Monday, September 19, 2016

Time for Quilting

I absolutely love the art of quilting!

Most recently, I find myself preparing steps that can be done when I am away from my quilting studio.

Let me explain...

On August 26, 2016, we traveled to Nashville with my son-in-love, Randall Ricketts, who was diagnosed at our local emergency room with a large brain tumor. This was followed with surgery and 12 days in the hospital. Tomorrow we will return to Nashville to begin the process of receiving chemo and radiation. This is uncharted waters for all of us.

In the midst of trouble, I still find the time to break away and work on a quilt.  Working with my hands allows me the time to reflect on God's goodness. So today, I am grateful for the art of quilting and the gift of being able to create beautiful quilts! Trimming up theses little 1" squares will be a snap with my little mat and rotary cutter. Then they are ready to have all the paper torn away as we travel.

When we return home, I'll be ready to move forward in creating the "Martin Place" Quilt!

Time to call in a night and hit the sack! I hope you too are finding the time to stitch a little! Until next time, 
Happy Stitching!

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